Engineer with extensive experience in power electronics. With a commitment to deliverables, I'm eager to explore new ground and unique solutions. Take the initiative to achieve your goal while engaging and encouraging others. Having led a team or a group of individuals to complete a significant project, as well as serving as a technique consultant on some projects.
Experienced with PCB design, particularly for power converter control and power circuits. Familiar with firmware design and various MCU structures, particularly TI's C2000 series and Arm's cortex-A9. CAN, UART, I2C, SPI, and application layer protocol are examples of communication interfaces.
Familiar with a plethora of applications and equipped with appropriate skillsets as follows:
- GUI development on windows .Net framework by C#
- FPGA development by using Verilog and simulation
- Simulation Tool, e.g. Matlab (Octave), PLECS
- Firmware and Software development cycle, test method and test case writing
- Version control tool, e.g. SVN and Git
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